One More Day

Why did you get up this morning? Was it because of your alarm clock? Your dog needed to go on a walk? Maybe it was for a paycheck, or perhaps it was because you were expected to be somewhere at a certain time? Why is it that we rarely wake up to face our day with our dreams in our pocket and an eye on… →

What to Write?

Ask any new aspiring author what the toughest challenge to getting their new book started and I would bet that figuring out just what to write is high on the list. I’ve heard it in the NaNoWriMo events, in forums and in my dealing with other authors. Sometimes choosing what to write can at times be just as daunting as the writing process itself. Some… →

Why Write?

What is it about my dream that makes me do it? To be honest I was never really sure until recently. I grew up surrounded by words, but it wasn’t until much later in life that I picked up on writing as a hobby and future career path. When I was young I wanted to make comic books. Yes, for real! My friends and I… →

Our Common Lie

I look at the page I have just finished. It is full of words, brimming with promise. My eyes glance over it, seeing a hundred errors. A thought crosses my mind, “You aren’t cut out for this.” As I stated last week, nothing can stop a dream dead in its tracks like the sudden, horrifying realization that we are not qualified to complete it. The… →

Tempered by Skill

Here at the DreamAnvil we believe that dreams are born in the fires of our passion, forged by our desires and tempered by our skill. This is the motto of the site and something I chose intentionally. Each phrase signifies a part of the dreamer’s journey. This month we are looking at that slogan and parsing out its meaning. Nothing can stop a dream dead… →

Forged by Desire

I spend a great deal of time trying to encourage readers to get out there and chase their dreams. To get up off the couch and take action! This is because our dreams cannot come true unless we spend our days actually trying to accomplish them.

Born in Passion

Here at the DreamAnvil we believe that dreams are born in the fires of our passion, forged by our desires and tempered by our skill. This is the motto of the site and something I chose intentionally. Each phrase signifies a part of the dreamer’s journey. This month we are looking at that slogan and parsing out its meaning. What makes you tick? I think… →

The Question

This month we are going to explore a bit more about what we touched on in last weeks’ blog. We are going to try and tackle the most fundamental question here at the DreamAnvil, what exactly is a dream? Whooboy. We are in for a ride. So, what exactly is a dream? Well that’s a great question! If you want to start a lively discussion… →

Keep Chasing

Sometimes life is not very fair. We work really hard on our dreams, we pour our time, our energy and our passion into something and we expect an equal result. Like pushing on a swing, the harder we push the higher the swing goes. This is not the case for dreams. Sometimes they don’t pan out. Victory is never a guarantee in life. If someone… →

Level Up!

Let me tell you about the very first book I wrote. It was supposed to be an epic fantasy tale. It had all the right notes, star crossed lovers, tragic pasts, fantastic locales, epic magic battles and a world full of other stories to explore. It was to be the linchpin in a sprawling multi book series that would be the precursors to even more… →