Forged by Desire

Here at the DreamAnvil we believe that dreams are born in the fires of our passion, forged by our desires and tempered by our skill. This is the motto of the site and something I chose intentionally. Each phrase signifies a part of the dreamer’s journey. This month we are looking at that slogan and parsing out its meaning.

Our dreams are born from our passions but they will not get very far if we do not have the desire to see the task through. You may be tempted to think that the terms are interchangeable. Desire and passion do have a similar definition in the right context but for our purposes the two are very different.

I spend a great deal of time trying to encourage readers to get out there and chase their dreams. To get up off the couch and take action! This is because our dreams cannot come true unless we spend our days actually trying to accomplish them. When I speak of passion I speak of the impetus that gets you excited about your dream. When I speak of desire I am speaking of your will power, your desire to succeed. Your willingness to complete the task laid before you. It is also the reason I use the anvil and forge as analogies.

What do you think of when I say the word forge? I think of a hammer pounding a hot lump of metal, over and over again. The repetition shapes the metal into something new, something different. It is not instant. It is not easy. The work is grueling, hot and sweaty. Our dreams are like that hot lump of metal. It is the dreamers task to take it and shape it into something new and beautiful. One cannot do that unless they pick of the hammer and set to work.

Why? Because we must. It sounds cliché but it is true. The dreamer is given a choice. You can either ignore it or you can dare to participate in the dream. If you choose to pick up the hammer and venture forth then you are in for an experience. Your dreams will take you further than you ever imagined you could go. The things you once though impossible become common as new goals become visible on the horizon. But it won’t be easy. It won’t always be sunshine and rainbows. There will be valleys you must pass through. Many dreams are abandoned in the valleys of hardship and toil. Many dreamers will walk away from their dreams wondering why they do it. Why they give so much for so little. The answer is within the dream itself.

For every valley you must pass through, every mountain you struggle to climb, there is a summit. At the finish when you stand there clutching your dreams in your hands you will know why you did it. Surveying your journey, you will see that those valleys weren’t so dark. Those mountains were not so high. The dream is its own reward. It is not some impossible thing, it is not some figment of a radical mind. It is a journey one you must be willing to go through. Do you have the desire to see your dreams fulfilled?