Plan to Hang Tight

So there I was horrified. All of my coworkers were just staring at me. My boss decided that I needed to give a presentation to the group. The problem? I was finding out about it at the same time as the rest of my coworkers. I pulled up a half finished slide deck about a related topic and set to trying to sound half way… →

Don’t Give Up!

I got back from my run drenched. It was raining out and the chill soaked through to my bones. I quickly jumped into a warm shower and then curled up on the couch with a hot cup of tea afterwards. The next day I stepped onto the scale expecting to see an improvement. What I found instead was only disappointment. I had gained weight! Immediately… →

Prepared to Fail

With all of our goals there is one thing that is constant no matter what. Whether you are aiming to climb a mountain, run a 5K or write a book, at some point along the journey you will fail. This is not just a pessimistic statement, it is a fact. You will not be able to get out and train when there is nothing but… →

Own It!

So you have a dream, you have it defined, you have it planned out you are ready to take this thing on! It is common that many people will start to do research on how to achieve their goals. Go to any bookstore and you will find a large section of self-help books. The internet is even worse. Everyone it seems knows how to achieve… →

The First Step is Now

With the coming of a New Year so too come new resolutions, new dreams, new goals that we all want to pursue. Everyone starts off the same but by the end of the year many people will have failed to achieve their goals. While I wish there was a magic formula that guaranteed all of our dreams did indeed come true there are a few… →

Your Dreams are Waiting

With the coming of the New Year we raise our eyes to the horizon and ask of ourselves, what do I want to accomplish this year? What new dreams can I reach for? And so a thousand new resolutions and goals are birthed in a single night. Americans love self-improvement it seems, this month more people will be at the gym than ever before. More… →