
As we touched on last week, failure will come for every project eventually. Be it a missed deadline, a physical set back or just plain exhaustion, failure is not something to be ashamed of. This is part of every journey. This week I’d like to talk about what options we have available when something does go wrong. What can we do to right the ship?… →

The Darkness

It’s been three months since many of you set a New Years goal or resolution. Along the way we have talked about how to set goals in a way to help you achieve them. We have touched on finding your passion and developing your skills. Yet by the time March rolls around the vast majority of new goals have been abandoned. There are many reasons… →

The Heat of Passion

Have you ever heard the advice to follow your passion and you will never work a day in your life? Well, I disagree with the second half of that sentence entirely, but I agree that when we are searching for our dreams, the next goal in life, or just a new hobby, we should follow our passion. You know the thing wakes you up in… →

Not Afraid to Try

The pages practically bleed red ink. My mind is a whirl of emotions. At one time I thought this piece was good. I thought it was written well enough to actually send out to editors and agents to read. As my pen touches the page for another slash of red ink I can’t help but think, “I thought I was a better writer than this?”… →

Reach For It

The dreams we have, the dreams we all are striving for are not your run of the mill tasks. They are the product of our inspirations and passions. We look to the sky and imagine what could be next. We yearn for tomorrow yet our dreams are always, tantalizingly, just out of reach. If only we could just reach out, just a bit more, we… →

Keep Going

We spent last month looking at how we can plan for better goals but there is a gap between what we plan for and the reality making those dreams come true. Achieving a dream is hard work, with only a few exceptions most of our dreams are currently out of our reach. This is what makes them dreams. If we could roll out of bed… →

The Unspoken Letter

There is one thing that I believe is vitally important if we are to reach for our dreams. It is not something that fits into the SMART acronym for goal setting. When we set goals for ourselves there is an expectation when we set them that they will be accomplished. That the goals we have specified, measured and set out to accomplish will one day… →

Big Goals

Setting really big goals is important. These big goals can inspire us to work hard and can give us a dream to pursue. Yet these big goals are also the most likely to fail. Big dreams are as dangerous as they are necessary but they do not have to fail. There are steps we can take right off the bat to assess and determine how… →

Keeping Track

The path to our goals and dreams is not a short one. There are many directions we will take to achieve victory and there will be many times when a dreamer might feel lost, time when we feel like we are not making much progress. How can we avoid this? How can we make goals that prevent us from losing focus, goals that keep us… →

Taking Aim

It’s a new year! The gyms are full of new enthusiastic members, the trails full of new hikers, and the greenways full of rude bikers who don’t announce their approach! Have you noticed that around February those new faces and the numbers of new people start to drop off dramatically? Why? The main reason that most people quit or drop out of their new goals… →