To Those Who Dream

When I say the word “dreamer” what is the first thing comes to mind? Maybe you think of the artists; painters, musicians, sculptors and writers that have filled this world with so much creativity and beauty. But have you ever thought about the scientist as a dreamer? What about the architect? How about the doctor, or the pilot, the truck driver or the stay at home mom? Are they dreamers too? What about you?

What is a Dream?

Welcome to the DreamAnvil! Did you know that every year something amazing happens? On the New Year everyone in the world looks forward, trying to define what they want to do for the next year. Now that we have set forth on new adventures and journeys it is time we sat down and talked about drew us to this place to begin with. Let’s talk… →

Go Get It

We’ve spent the past month looking at what it takes to reach for our goals. We’ve set up our goals and planned out how we will achieve them. We learned to accept our failures and we began the first of our journey. Now comes the most important part. Don’t. Stop.

The Importance of Failure

Failure. It is a word we don’t like to hear. It’s also a feeling none of us enjoy. Yet most of us have by this point in life failed in some way, shape, or form. As I type this I have a pizza crust sticking out of my mouth; so yeah, good-bye diet. If you have set out to achieve something, be it a goal… →

Plan on it!

If you were starting a new job would you prepare yourself for your first day? What about a dream vacation? Wouldn’t you read up on the places you want to see and the things you want to do? When we set out to attempt something that is life changing we prepare and plan for it. It doesn’t matter if it’s a date, moving to a… →

Start Today

We live in an age full of distractions. Youtube, Facebook, Television, Video Games; not to mention real life things like jobs and bills. All of it seems to create a never ending pile of things for us to do. It has become easy for us to take our dreams, put them up on a shelf and say, “Tomorrow, I promise.” Our dreams, our desires, are… →


With a New Year always comes a desire for a new you. Year after year we make the same old resolutions, we set the same goals and year after year it seems as if we end worse than when we started. If you, or I for that matter, want to achieve our dreams than we must set forth as set of goals to strive for.

And We’re Back!

Hello everyone! It seems like it has been forever since we last spoke and it has been! Well, as you can see we are back! How do you like our new home? Snazzy, I know. Hopefully with this platform I will be able to focus less on making sure the site is working and be able to focus more on actually writing. So, you have questions. I have answers!