Hit Reset

For many of us, 2020 was a year that saw upheaval in ways most of us never imagined possible in our modern times. I saw my job and my health threatened by the same invisible cause. I watched as my social connections frayed as video chat replaced sitting beside someone and giving them a hug. I watched in horror as our country cracked under the… →

Take Care of What Matters

In the bustle and hubbub of life, I feel it is important to find moments and places to step back. To just let my mind rest. There is usually one spot in the city that is still, the park. A refuge of the natural world surrounded by towering monuments of human progress. Here in these bite-sized pieces of nature, one can get away from the… →

WriMo 2020: The final push!

This is it! The start of our last full week of NaNoWriMo! By now we have overcome so much, and many of you will be approaching 40,00 words soon which means we are in the final stretch! It might be tempting to think that we are entering calm waters, that we have made it to the easy part! Nothing could be further from the truth!… →

WriMo 2020: Shake It Off

We are officially halfway through November which means we are halfway through NaNoWriMo! Many of you should be nearing 25,005 words! Some of you though may be struggling and that is perfectly fine! I have three tips for those who are having a hard time right now. If you are behind on your word count, unable to make headway, or just feel like this isn’t… →

WriMo 2020: Protect Your Time

November is National Novel Writing Month! To celebrate and encourage you to join me in the race to 50,000 words the DreamAnvil will be posting on Sunday for the next four weeks! Get out there and write those novels! With the coming week, many of you may be wondering why I tricked you into doing this thing! WriMo is a challenge, it’s not a walk… →

WriMo 2020: GO!!

November is National Novel Writing Month! To celebrate and encourage you to join me in the race to 50,000 words, the DreamAnvil will be posting on Sunday for the next four weeks! Get out there and write those novels! This is it! The moment we have been waiting for, the month I have been preparing you all for. Today a million story ideas will be… →

Countdown to WriMo: Write

I have spent the past month giving you a peek inside my thoughts around how I like to approach my writing process. The way I build characters, the way I build my worlds, and how I piece together my plot are all rooted in the same processes, looking back at what built them and what they are trying to become. Your characters, your world, and… →

Countdown to WriMo: Plot

It is a question as old as writing and storytelling itself. What is more important? Good characters or a good plot? What matters? I have asked myself this same question since my very first forays into creative writing. Do I spend time making a compelling drama or should I invest in interesting characters? How about a really interesting world? Where does that fit in? If… →

Countdown to WriMo: Worlds

Story when broken down into its very essence is escapism. We use story to leave our own circumstances, our own plane of reality so that we might visit another. Even if it is just for a fleeting moment, story takes us to places not our own. For some writers, the reality around them is a backdrop, a canvas upon which they place their characters. They… →

Countdown to WriMo: Character

Before I have a story to write, I have a main character. Usually not anything solid, just a few details, a rough sketch of who they are. A female. A mercenary. A woman far from home. Sometimes I even have a name but usually, this is one of the final bits to come into place. Why? Because a character is not just a name, a… →