The Power to Ignite

There is one final special quality about dreams. Something we don’t really notice, yet is in front of our very faces. When we see others going for their dreams we see them come alive. When we pursue our passions our own lives light up like a candle in a dark room. It inspires others. It makes us stop and wonder, “What if?” When a dreamer shares her passions and her journey, we sit in awe. We take notice and when we walk away from the experience we find ourselves with dreams of our own.

Our dreams are our own. No one can achieve them for us. They are deeply personal and challenging. They are not something pursued casually or without a plan. They are born from the fire of our passions. Forged through our tenacity. Tempered with our skills. We put in long hours for things that to the outside world seems totally insane. Even still we chase and pursue. It is something that drives us, pushing us beyond our normal boundaries and taking us to places we never anticipated. The dream is part of who we are, something that makes us feel alive and awake. This is what attracts other people to dream their own dreams. Seeing a change in those who are chasing their own. Hearing their stories and journeys, inspires our own hearts to dream bigger. Like a fire it catches and courses through us, but also like a fire the dream is constantly searching for new places to burn. Embers from our dreams will ignite in the hearts of others and so on and so forth.

The journey a dreamer takes is one that comes from our core. It is so intimately personal, it is like shaping a piece of our own souls. Pursuing our dreams is something that is rewarding in ways that we can’t measure. The dreamer may never make a fortune, yet she is joyful. The dreamer may never have fame, yet she is unafraid of where she will go next. I think this is what inspires others, the fact that we, the dreamers, come alive when we are chasing our goals. There is joy, and fiery passion, there is patience and endurance as we strive to do the impossible. I love to tell of the dreamers story, because each of us has our own story to tell. Our own obstacles that we have had to overcome. My own journey has been shared and shared because I want others to start on their own journeys. When I see others achieving their dreams I am driven even more to chase my own. I have cheered as friends have launched new careers, decided to chase down a new degree, or move to a new location to chase their own dreams. Even now as I embark on a new journey with a new destination I am sharing and encouraging. Why? Because I want to launch a thousand dreamers out into this world and I want them to launch a thousand more. There is room for us all on this great big planet. We can all dare to dream big. We can all pursue what drives us. Come journey with us, in the end our lives and our world will be all the better for it.