Reach For It

The dreams we have, the dreams we all are striving for are not your run of the mill tasks. They are the product of our inspirations and passions. We look to the sky and imagine what could be next. We yearn for tomorrow yet our dreams are always, tantalizingly, just out of reach. If only we could just reach out, just a bit more, we… →

Keep Going

We spent last month looking at how we can plan for better goals but there is a gap between what we plan for and the reality making those dreams come true. Achieving a dream is hard work, with only a few exceptions most of our dreams are currently out of our reach. This is what makes them dreams. If we could roll out of bed… →

Dare to Dream

This is your year. The year you turn that tiny spark of a dream into a raging fire. The year you chase after your dreams without looking back.

Not Down Yet

“You have to protect your writing time. You have to protect it to the death.” These are the words of William Goldman, author of the Princess Bride. Words of wisdom that I knew (it’s one of the many quotes on this site!) but had taken for granted. For years I had established a rhythm, a groove that allowed me to comfortably get my writing done… →

From the Heart

Dreams. They are special creatures. Pieces of our souls that inspire us onwards towards greatness. Without dreams mankind may have never invented fire. We may have never seen the beauty inherent in a diamond. The mountains would lay unconquered. The ocean depths still a mystery. The stars unexplored. Dreams are no mere aspirations. They are what make us human. Where do our dreams come from?… →

White Nothing

It sits before you, daring you to move forward. An endless expanse of white, an unknown and unexplored conduit for your imagination. The blank page is often one of the most intimidating things an artist can face. Nothingness. The void, waiting to be formed and shaped. An empty canvas waiting to carry your art to others. The intimidation of the blank page does not come… →

Born in Passion

Here at the DreamAnvil we believe that dreams are born in the fires of our passion, forged by our desires and tempered by our skill. This is the motto of the site and something I chose intentionally. Each phrase signifies a part of the dreamer’s journey. This month we are looking at that slogan and parsing out its meaning. What makes you tick? I think… →

What is a Dream?

Welcome to the DreamAnvil! Did you know that every year something amazing happens? On the New Year everyone in the world looks forward, trying to define what they want to do for the next year. Now that we have set forth on new adventures and journeys it is time we sat down and talked about drew us to this place to begin with. Let’s talk… →