From the Heart

Dreams. They are special creatures. Pieces of our souls that inspire us onwards towards greatness. Without dreams mankind may have never invented fire. We may have never seen the beauty inherent in a diamond. The mountains would lay unconquered. The ocean depths still a mystery. The stars unexplored. Dreams are no mere aspirations. They are what make us human.

Where do our dreams come from? This is something I am asked a lot and yet, dreams remain a mystery to me. Dreams inspire us. They call us to action, imparting a desire and a drive to see them through. They call the dreamer forth, like a calling from on High. Our dreams are like intimate friends we have grown up with. At times they seem like a reflection of our soul. Our deepest and most personal of desires. At times a dream seems so simple, like reading it flows from the activity of the dreamer. Other times it strikes down like a bolt from the heavens, making the dreamer still up and take notice. I think all of our dreams come from the same source. They come from deep inside of us. Birthed in the core of our being where our passions and fires burn with a bright intensity.

I dreamed of visiting Japan because of my great love of the culture there. My dream to publish a novel was forged from my passion for telling stories. My dream of being the best and most authentic version of myself has led to some unexpected and amazing places. I am here because I dream. I write because I dream. I worship a creator God because I dream. I am a better me, all because of dreams.

What is it you are passionate about? So often I hear the same thing, “I could never do that for a living.” Why not? Why couldn’t you paint and sell your artwork online? Why can’t you self publish that book you’ve wanted to write? Why can’t you go back to school to learn a new trade? Why can’t you devote yourself to serving the poor or advocating for a cause you believe in? So often I find dreams bound and chained by our doubts and fears. We let fear of monetary loss or social standing to bridle our dreams, tame them, make them less bold and more acceptable to those around us. Our dreams are meant to be wild, a bit scary, brash and bold and unexpected. They deserve to run wild and free.

Where do our dreams come from? From our hearts. From the passions we all hold so dear. Each and every one of us has a dream or two. They are a part of who we are. They are the bits and sparks of life that set us all apart and make us unique. Yet our dreams are not adapted to our world. We have to cherish them, nurture them, protect them. We shouldn’t look to weigh our dreams down, but to work alongside them, harnessing their joy, creativity and power. If you feed your passions your dreams will come forth. I know this because I have seen it in my own life. You can achieve much, but only if you have the desire and the passion to succeed. It won’t always be easy. The dream will stretch you. It will throw you off. It will rear up in the middle of the night. Feed your dreams. Be bold enough to see where they take you.