Floor It!

Week two brings with it the first realizations that what you are doing is hard. It also brings with it the realization that you can do this. There are moments when everything feels right and the words dump right out onto the page. Then there are days that you can hardly muster more than a few paragraphs. This is where the road starts to get… →

Simply Words

When I think of achieving dreams I can’t help but think of achieving my own, becoming a world class archer… Wait. No that’s next year’s stuff. Writing! That’s what I do! The dreamer is always focused on their dreams and I am no different. Most of my knowledge about pursuing dreams comes from my experiences trying to write Fantasy and Science Fiction novels. I yearn… →


We all dream, yet at the same time we wish it could be easy. Every one of us wishes that our dreams would come about as easily as breathing. We watch the Olympians compete for their medals and a small part of us all think that we could do that. Sometimes it’s the opposite reaction, we see the finished masterpiece and think that we could… →

For Gold

Every four years, for 16 days, the world comes together as one in the spirit of competition. Nation after nation arrive in one location to claim their place at the top of the winners podium. Upon humanity’s largest stage step the dreamers, the brave, the ones who have dared to believe in the impossible. It’s time for the summer Olympics!   As most of you… →

Bottled Lightning

The other day I was crawling through traffic listening to the radio when a singer came on to talk about her latest hit single. In the interview, she spoke of how she was on her tour bus after a show and the song just kind of popped out of her. I was tempted to think about how great that must have been; to have a… →

Forged by Desire

I spend a great deal of time trying to encourage readers to get out there and chase their dreams. To get up off the couch and take action! This is because our dreams cannot come true unless we spend our days actually trying to accomplish them.

The Question

This month we are going to explore a bit more about what we touched on in last weeks’ blog. We are going to try and tackle the most fundamental question here at the DreamAnvil, what exactly is a dream? Whooboy. We are in for a ride. So, what exactly is a dream? Well that’s a great question! If you want to start a lively discussion… →

Keep Chasing

Sometimes life is not very fair. We work really hard on our dreams, we pour our time, our energy and our passion into something and we expect an equal result. Like pushing on a swing, the harder we push the higher the swing goes. This is not the case for dreams. Sometimes they don’t pan out. Victory is never a guarantee in life. If someone… →

Plan to Hang Tight

So there I was horrified. All of my coworkers were just staring at me. My boss decided that I needed to give a presentation to the group. The problem? I was finding out about it at the same time as the rest of my coworkers. I pulled up a half finished slide deck about a related topic and set to trying to sound half way… →

Don’t Give Up!

I got back from my run drenched. It was raining out and the chill soaked through to my bones. I quickly jumped into a warm shower and then curled up on the couch with a hot cup of tea afterwards. The next day I stepped onto the scale expecting to see an improvement. What I found instead was only disappointment. I had gained weight! Immediately… →