Countdown to WriMo: Worlds

Story when broken down into its very essence is escapism. We use story to leave our own circumstances, our own plane of reality so that we might visit another. Even if it is just for a fleeting moment, story takes us to places not our own. For some writers, the reality around them is a backdrop, a canvas upon which they place their characters. They… →

Fools Hope

For many of us, 2020 has been a year most of us would like to forget. Personally, this year was supposed to be the year that I got out more. I was going to meet new people, and begin dating for the first time in almost two decades. This was going to be the year I crossed off one more dream; falling in love. That… →

Looking Up

These days it seems like we are surrounded by bad news. Be it the crisis of the pandemic, the dumpster-fire in the White House, or just the fraying of our personal relationships as we all isolate, it feels like I go through a weeks’ worth of emotions every day. In these times I find myself stuck to my phone more and more. Yet while apps… →


Our dreams are built brick by brick from our hard work and skill. Each layer of the dream is built on top of the layer below it. As we build we must be careful that we do not botch things up for the next row of bricks.

Unexpected Gift

It was unexpected. Those in the LGBT community had been bracing for impact as a lawsuit regarding employment discrimination made its way through the courts. Courts that had been packed with conservative judges. After years of watching the white house reverse years of hard-fought progress, LGB and trans folk were not expecting good news. The case was brought forth in October of 2019 and all… →

Inspiration: Breath

The tension in my shoulder grows as I pull back my right arm. My left is tensed, poised just right, braced but passive. I breathe in. Pause. The world slows. The target lines up. I hear the click and the twang of the release. The thwap of the arrow down range is one of my favorite sounds. Standing there with my bow, I am at… →

Never Stop Reaching

I am not feeling very creative today. The cursor blinks at me and I struggle to find words. With the financial pressure of the stay at home orders and the crazy way our world seems to be responding, it all just makes me shut down. I have talked before of how this current environment makes me want to retreat. To turn inwards into my shell… →


I know that the past few months and weeks have been anything but normal. Many of us are struggling to find new ways to work, experiencing different ways of being in this world. I know first hand how hard it can be to find a way to work through this. This time of physical distancing has left many of us isolated, and tired. Our sense… →

Tempered with Skill

Here at the DreamAnvil we believe that dreams are born in the fires of our passion, forged by our desires and tempered by our skill. This is the motto of the site and something I chose intentionally. Each phrase signifies a part of the dreamer’s journey. This month we are looking at that slogan and parsing out its meaning. Nothing can stop a dream dead… →

Born of Fire

Here at the DreamAnvil, we believe that dreams are born in the fires of our passion, forged by our desires and tempered by our skill. This is the motto of the site and something I chose intentionally. Each phrase signifies a part of the dreamer’s journey. This month we are looking at that slogan and parsing out its meaning. What makes you tick? I think… →