
An older post but a good one for those struggling right now.


A broken dream is not an indictment against you. It is not the end of your skills. It is simply part of the process.

Get Back Up

When I espoused at the beginning of the month that failure would come for us all, I was not planning on it striking the blog a few weeks later! Yes, last week was a miss on my part. I had failed to plan ahead. As I nestled into my couch to sip some warm tea and watch some anime, I realized at exactly the same… →

Day by Day

The sweat drips down, falling off my nose. It’s not supposed to be this hot in the wintertime. My lungs are on fire. My legs are like jelly. It wasn’t supposed to be this hard. It wasn’t supposed to be easy either. Before me is the final hill, much larger than the last time I hiked this trail almost a year ago. It couldn’t have… →

New Year, New You

This past Tuesday you may have woken up, groggy from a bit to much fun the night before, determined that this was going to be your year. This is going to be the year you get your stuff together, the year you exercise more, the year you eat better. This is the year you will start a new project, a new job, a new romance.… →

You Can Do This

This will be the final post before we hit November and NaNoWriMo begins anew.  A calm before the storm. A deep meditative breath rolls through the WriMo community as we mentally prepare ourselves for the task at hand. Many of the friends I have been trying to encourage to participate seem to be on the fence this year, trying to decide if they should give it a go or… →

Story Teller

Humans crave story. We seek it out in our sports matches, in our presidential elections, and in our love lives. Story is woven throughout the human experience, from the moment we are birthed we are part of something bigger than ourselves. There is something special and beautiful about that thought. From the very first time that humans gathered around a campfire to the silver screen of… →

On Words

National Novel Writing Month is one month away! So let’s get primed for November and talk about one of my favorite topics; writing! Yes, my dream is not to simply own a small little blog and live a wonderful, simple life. I want to write, I want to have others read and enjoy the stories that I tell. I want to share stories that challenge,… →


What moves you? What makes you get up and take action? Do you know what it is inside of you that makes you tick? Our passions are the doorways to our dreams, finding one will inevitably lead you towards the other. Like a giant puzzle or a woven bracelet, our dreams and our passions go hand in hand. The Dream Anvil was started from a… →

To the Sleepers

I admire dreamers of every stripe, out there struggling to turn their passions into something tangible. It comes across when I talk to others as well, there’s something romantic and maybe even heroic about dreamers who keep at it. I love dreams. So I was thrown off base when one of my dearest friends turned to me one day and stated that he did not… →