Your Dreams are Waiting

With the coming of the New Year we raise our eyes to the horizon and ask of ourselves, what do I want to accomplish this year? What new dreams can I reach for? And so a thousand new resolutions and goals are birthed in a single night. Americans love self-improvement it seems, this month more people will be at the gym than ever before. More people than ever will be trying out something new, and well…that is awesome.

However, every year we hear the same curmudgeons in the office cube next to us asking what’s the point? After all the majority of our New Years resolutions end in failure. So why bother? Why do we wake up early to study for that new degree? Or go out running at night? Why sit down and write and write and write? What the point of it all?

I don’t dream of becoming a published author because I want to make millions of dollars. I don’t write because I want to be famous. I do all of it, every single bit of it, because I want to. I love to tell stories. I love to create new and exciting things. I want to share them with others; with you. You may have different reasons for pursuing your dreams. Maybe you want to finally express the real you. Maybe you just can’t stand seeing the solution to a problem and doing nothing about it. Maybe you are pursuing new dreams because of health reasons or you just wanted to try something new. Big or small our dreams have value, because we give them value. Each of us defines the end goal for our dreams, no one else can. Here at the DreamAnvil we believe that all dreams are worthy of pursuit. No dream is too small, or too big, even if it is beyond our current limits.

At time our dreams can feel too big. I know there are times when I feel wholly inadequate for my own dreams. It is important to remember that the path to our dreams is usually not a short, straight path. Sometimes it winds and swerves wildly and takes us to places we never expected. This is a journey, one that can take a lifetime to master.

I may not have the best skill set for writing, but that changes with each new project. I may not ever publish anything but that won’t be because I have never tried. I will write and work and write and write some more, why? Because our dreams can do nothing on their own. I have a saying I use in situations like these, perhaps you have heard it before: “You can’t win the game if you never play.” I believe that inside of every single one of us lays a dream. Big or small, that dream will never be realized if we never do anything to pursue it. The dreams are ready, for years they have waited inside of us while we have ignored them. Dreamers, this year are you willing to pursue your dreams? To take the first step on your journey? I can’t promise that you will find eternal happiness or riches or that you will even succeed. You won’t be bored, I can guarantee that.