And We’re Back!

Hello everyone! It seems like it has been forever since we last spoke and it has been! Well, as you can see we are back! How do you like our new home? Snazzy, I know. Hopefully with this platform I will be able to focus less on making sure the site is working and be able to focus more on actually writing. So, you have questions. I have answers!

Why did you change in the first place?
It was a for a whole bunch of reasons actually. Running my own site had plenty of appeal but also zero tech support and lots and lots of elbow grease. To be honest it was just to much effort to keep it patched and running and secure and full of content every week. I needed something more flexible and automated on the backend and WordPress accomplishes some of that.

The old site was better.
Not a question. Next.

Where exactly are the old posts?
Tell me, do you believe that all posts go to heaven, like dogs? There were some errors in the old database (my fault, my fault) so most of the old posts could not be transfered over. We are marching forward into new territory! You’ll see some of your favorites again though, presented in new and more relevant ways this time.

Where are the other pages?/ Will this site be able to expand?
So the main focus of this site is to get you to get out there and achieve your dreams. So when I was planning out our new home I focused on getting the blog back up first. The old pages about my trips as well a the movie reviews and all the ancient posts I had, detracted from that message. Some of these elements might come back some day as the site grows and becomes more robust. Only time will tell.

Grows? Like a butterfly?
Like a butterfly.

Who is Teller?
I am. Teller Korah is the pseudonym I write under.

Then who is Batman?
Duh, Batman is.

Where are the short stories?
Story Time will be making a return this year! Just let me get everything else up and running and then I can bang out a schedule for their release.

Can I help you in any way?/ What if I want to share my story about my dreams?
Glad you asked! Please let us know! If you have a story about someone overcoming the odds and achieving their dreams, we want to hear about it! Do you want to tell it? That too can be arranged. If you have a correction an idea or want to contribute in some way please head to the contact page and we will get back to you.

All this change…I don’t know if I can handle it?
Rest easy friend, I know you can weather this storm. The Dream Anvil might have a new look but we plan on providing the same advice as before. We still have the same burning passion to encourage each and everyone of you to get out there and achieve your dreams. The design has changed but the message has not.

So when do we start?
Right now! The first blog post of the new year is up! Every Thursday a new post will go up! Unless for some reason I can’t write, or go on hiatus, or vacation…those are good I hear. Either way there is plenty of content coming your way. It’s a new year! We’ve got new goals and dreams to get after, so let’s get started!