The Importance of Failure

Failure. It is a word we don’t like to hear. It’s also a feeling none of us enjoy. Yet most of us have by this point in life failed in some way, shape, or form. As I type this I have a pizza crust sticking out of my mouth; so yeah, good-bye diet. If you have set out to achieve something, be it a goal or a dream you will inevitably experience failure. And you know what? That’s okay.

The problem is that most of us having failed before have steeled ourselves, destined to never fail again. Then the unthinkable happens we break from your goals, our plans fall apart around us. Having done exactly the same thing we’ve done countless times before we simply throw in the towel. Better luck next year. I’d like to suggest to you that this is exactly the opposite reaction that we should have. Failure is more than that despondent feeling that forms when we don’t succeed. It is in fact an invaluable tool that brings us closer to our goals and dreams even as it appears that we seem to be taking a step backwards.

Failure can be thought of as a learning opportunity, a harsh and painful opportunity, but still one that is valuable. More often than naught looking back at the reasons you came up short, you can learn why. I have found that it is often the small things that bring down a goal. The trivial, the overlooked tasks that are associated with a dream can pile up and overwhelm us in a short amount of time. Imagine a writer that couldn’t spell (or didn’t bother with spell check). They would have a hard time getting published if they didn’t take the time to proofread their documents. Appling ones craft does not often come easy unless you happen to be blessed in some special way. It will take practice and effort and self-control on our part to make that dream come true.

Speaking of effort and practice and self-control, our failures can and do reveal our weaknesses. This is more than a cliché, it is invaluable for learning where we need to improve. Learning where you are strong and where you are weak only help form a more stable foundation for us to work off of. Don’t just stop taking action because of something that “can’t” be done; figure out a way to do it. Either smash the wall to bits or find a way around it. There is no right or wrong way to achieve your dream. Just go for it.

Speaking of our dreams, failure exposes them to the harsh light of reality. Our dreams are only thoughts and ideas until we decide to take action. Failure along the way is inevitable but it will help us to truly understand our dreams. Why do we pursue these things? Why do we chase after things that can be so hard to achieve? Understanding why you want to achieve this goal or why you need to pursue your dream will only help you stay motivated for the next chance you get. Perseverance is a trait that can only be forged with failure and our dreams will require us to be dedicated enough to see them through.

Next time you are facing failure, don’t throw in the towel. Take a step back and examine the how’s and the why’s. Learn from your mistakes. Hone your skills. Discover what makes your dream so important to you. Then roll up your sleeves and get back in there and try again. That is how dreams are made.