Towards Tomorrow

The white markers tick past, a blurry line streaking towards my next destination. I am tired. I am a little hungry. I am nervous about where the road is taking me. Is there a turn coming up? I want to get out of this little box on wheels, stand up and stretch my hands towards the sky. Instead I take another sip of water, turn… →

By the Tail

This week we started the second half of the year! I am hoping that many of you have picked up some energy, and have begun to once again work towards your goals and dreams. Over the years I have given you countless “ra-ra” posts about going out there, and knocking down obstacles and achieving your dreams. So instead of rehashing much of those posts, I… →


This week we started the second half of the year! I am hoping that many of you have picked up some energy, and have begun to once again work towards your goals and dreams. Over the years I have given you countless “ra-ra” posts about going out there, and knocking down obstacles and achieving your dreams. So instead of rehashing much of those posts, I… →

Broken Mess

This week we started the second half of the year! I am hoping that many of you have picked up some energy, and have begun to once again work towards your goals and dreams. Over the years I have given you countless “ra-ra” posts about going out there, and knocking down obstacles and achieving your dreams. So instead of rehashing much of those posts, I… →

The Start

This week we started the second half of the year! I am hoping that many of you have picked up some energy, and have begun to once again work towards your goals and dreams. Over the years I have given you countless “ra-ra” posts about going out there, and knocking down obstacles and achieving your dreams. So instead of rehashing much of those posts, I… →


This Sunday we will approach the exact middle of the year. One hundred and eighty-three(ish) days ago many of us set out on a journey to achieve our goals and dreams. Every January we gather our dreams up, ready to start something new and exciting. But by June and July most of us have stopped or given up on those dreams and goals. Why is… →


Ting. Ting. Ting. The rhythmic sound of the hammer hitting the disk of pure silver fills the surrounding air with sound. Ting. Ting. Ting. At first nothing seems to be taking place. Just the sharp sound of hard metal, ringing out into the air all around the man with the hammer. It is deafening. It is slow. It is monotonous. The heat of the afternoon… →


Most of us have heard the famous adage, “when life gives you lemon’s make lemonade”. Sure it’s cute. It’s memorable and easy to remember. It is also the last thing you want to hear when you are going through hard times. Personally, I would be more prone to cut those lemons up and put them in some sweet tea but that might be my North… →

So That Happened

So uhm… Hi! I am sure you are all wondering just what happened last month. If you remember I was supposed to release some of my favorite old blogs posts and well, that didn’t happen. My last post was three weeks ago and then silence. It may have seemed as if I fell off of the face of the earth for a while there. To… →

American Dream

This month I will be swamped with projects so I will not be able to dedicate as much time to the site as I would like. So we will be revisiting some of the best posts from Dream Anvil’s of the past! This post originally appeared on the Dream Anvil back in April 2015. What is it you want to do? It is a simple… →