Towards Tomorrow

The white markers tick past, a blurry line streaking towards my next destination. I am tired. I am a little hungry. I am nervous about where the road is taking me. Is there a turn coming up? I want to get out of this little box on wheels, stand up and stretch my hands towards the sky. Instead I take another sip of water, turn up the radio, and sing along.

Once a year I like to take a month off from the blog to just be lazy and recover. During this time I like to gather up my thoughts and sometimes even plan out a few posts (you know, aside from spitting one out the day of! Old habits die hard). This year I will be taking a break not to take a breather. I have a lot of projects starting up this month as well as quite a bit of traveling for work, which makes the weekly blogs a bit of a challenge. While I focus on my new endeavors I will be taking a short sabbatical from the blog but don’t worry it will return in force this September.

While I will not be posting blog posts in August, know that there is much, much more to talk about coming up. So what’s in store? We will return the first week of September with the Creative Loop blogs, where we will look at the creative process and how it can feed and inspire us towards our next project. This year should be interesting as we focus not so much on the whole process, like we did last year, but how the seed of the next project can grow from another.

October will bring with it a very special “Story Time” blog, this time with video! This is one the projects that is starting this month and production should wrap up in September. That post will serve to kick off another month of the “Our Stories” blog posts, which are intended to be geared towards my personal experiences and reflections. Hopefully we can all learn a lot, laugh, cry, and dream a bit bigger after that.

November is of course National Novel Writing Month, so guess what we will be talking about then? I will not personally be involved in this year’s contest as I am still beating last year’s project into some semblance of a book. Who knows though? Maybe I will need another 50,000 words to finish it? We will see.

After that is December, usually a month of reflection, rest, love and hope. Hopefully it will be a sweet time of rest for us all after a hectic and crazy year. Yes, we are that close to the end of the year! Where does all that time go right?

This crazy journey of life, that we all find ourselves on, can surprise and scare us. For a lot of people their first inclination is to stay still (it’s not a dinosaur y’all!). To try and stop the journey. We want to stay where everything is predictable. Where we feel safe. Where we are comfortable. Where is the fun in that? There are some amazing things on the horizon and I really can’t wait to share them with you. In the meantime, don’t stop! Keep on traveling your own journey. Keeping dreaming as big as you can!