The Gift

In a few days many of us will gather with families or friends around the Christmas tree. Underneath the pretty ornaments and twinkling lights we will find brightly wrapped boxes waiting just for us. With childlike glee we will tear off the paper revealing the hidden treasures inside. We will smile, our hearts touched and give a gift to another until all the presents are opened.

I love to give and receive gifts at Christmas time. Usually these gifts to one another are presented with thought and care. A display of affection and friendship. It’s not really about the gift, it’s about the bond between the giver and the receiver. However what if I told you that you had a gift you could give that was worth more than gold, more than shiny new toys? What if you could give a gift that keeps on giving? And what if that gift was something that every one of us could give?

Impossible you say? Not in the least. Inside each and every one of us is a dream waiting to be unwrapped. No matter your age, no matter how much money you have, or your level of education, each of us has a dream. It is a gift. One that will remain locked away if you never make the choice to follow your heart. Your dream is a gift that should not be hidden away, it should be shared with the world!

The dream is a unique gift because it is something that is a bit of a contradiction. Our dreams are deeply intimate, yet are able to be shared with many. They are more fragile than glass, yet can move mountains. They are small things that can conquer the world. They are astonishingly complex and yet seemingly so simple. They are beastly and savage while also remaining breathtakingly beautiful and serene. Even though we may have the urge to keep it to ourselves, the dream will shine brightest when it is shared with all.

Dreams are also unique in the fact that they give back to their dreamers. They inspire us to new heights, create in us new desires and new pursuits. They foster inside of us even more dreams. They push our craft and our skills further than we ever imagined they could go. They stretch our imaginations and shove us beyond the boundaries we thought we could never cross. Yet they cannot be accomplished with idle thoughts or with tepid desire. Our dreams need us, the dreamers, to flourish. Without out us there would be no dream, without the dream there would be no dreamer.

Maybe you are thinking to yourself that this isn’t for you. That you have no dream. That you have no gift to give. Wake up! All of us who have breath have the ability to dream. Inside all of us lies a desire, a dream we want to achieve. One that is just waiting to be discovered and explored. You can dream! You can imagine! You can soar! We were all born dreamers, it’s time we rediscovered that truth and shared our dreams with the world. As we pass Christmas and look to the New Year ask yourself if you want to let another year go by without at least trying to achieve that dream. In 2016 look inside of yourself and find your dream. Then go out there and make it happen!

Our dreams are born from the fires of passion, forged by relentless desire, and tempered with exacting skill. This is the Dream Anvil. This is where Dreams are forged. Welcome.