Black Lives Matter




That is not to say that your life doesn’t matter. It doesn’t mean black lives are better. It’s not white lives are meaningless. It is not claiming anything. It is a statement as clear as the blue sky, black lives matter. Life is precious, that is true, all of it matters, yet for some reason, it is not white men who are being killed in the street. No, they can protest in the state capitol with their guns strapped to their backs without fear. Yet a single black youth was so much of a threat that he was run down in a Georgia suburb, cornered and murdered. A lone black mother was shot in her own home. A solitary black father was choked to death on the pavement with a knee to his neck. It is a pattern repeated and repeated until you either become numb to it or sick to your stomach. It doesn’t seem to me that all lives matter. In fact, it is apparent that it is black lives that have not mattered for centuries. We have written laws to imprison them. We have used systems of oppression to impoverish them. We have sold them. Beaten them. Turned dogs upon them. For centuries one thing has been plainly clear, black lives don’t seem to matter. That is to say, black lives are not worth the same amount as white lives. It is a shameful thing to claim all life matters and treat others as if they are less than you. It is an act of cowardice to claim life is precious only when it is wrapped within a womb. Life matters. From birth to death, every single person should have the same opportunities to pursue their dreams regardless of the color of their skin! We can do better than this. We are called as a nation to do better than this. It is time we realize a simple, God honest truth: black lives matter.

2 thoughts on “Black Lives Matter

  1. Korah, I have been pondering most days thinking why is the racial hatred on repeat cycle. And I have been listening to the black people’s dialogue. And figured out, black people need us to back them up. Black lives should matter…to white people. Are they pleading with us to start holding aggressive, angry people accountable? YES. Are they pleading with us to start a dialogue with our local police/sheriff/etc. departments to review policy and make bad cops get help and off the streets? YES. They want us to be vocal and let authorities know that a line has been drawn in the sand. We stand united as privileged citizens with our fellow free, yet enslaved, citizens to bring forth accountability, changes, transparency. Now onto pondering, what is my next step?

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