The Interweave: Passion

You may have noticed by now the three components of our dreams seem to have a symbiotic relationship with one another. Our ideas cannot be brought to fruition without our effort and our effort is baseless without a solid idea. Both of these, the idea and the effort, are driven by our passions. Just as our ideas come from within us, our passion is the hot fire from which those ideas came from. Just as we drive ourselves forward to build our dreams, our passion provides us with the fuel to go ever onward. Where do our dreams come from? They are born in the fire and flame of our passion, without it we would have nothing but a dim yearning to accomplish some thing, one day.

Find your passion and follow it, you may be surprised where it leads but you will find it a worthwhile pursuit. I was never a talented writer. The English teachers all throughout my education could easily verify that. I do not have a passion for writing. To some of you that may make no sense, how can I be a writer if I have no passion for writing? My passion lies somewhere else, telling stories. Stories that are kept private in my head until I can draw them, sculpt them, paint them, or as has become the standard these days, write them down. Writing is the vehicle with which I convey and express these visions to their fullest and so I am a writer.

Following your passion doesn’t mean that you need to go big right out of the gate either. Maybe you are just realizing that you find it appalling that people go hungry in the US, so you volunteer at the local food bank. You want to share your singing gifts with the world, start at your local coffee shop. You want to write a book, start with a chapter. We must be careful not to expect too much too soon. Our skills may not be ready for the world to see immediately, so we craft, we practice, we learn and we make ourselves ready. As we go along, we are feeding the fire, one branch at a time until the fire is hot enough to take on some serious heavy lifting.

We do not write a story or paint a poem and then sit back and pat our bellies telling ourselves it was a good run. No, as we create we are constantly thinking of other things. By the time the dreamer exits the Fourth Stage of the Creative Loop she already has a new project in the wings ready to begin the Loop all over again. The interweave that runs throughout the Creative Loop is one that is found at every stage of the process. Our ideas foster new thoughts. As we work towards completion of one task we set our eyes on the next. As we accomplish one dream our passions create another for us to pursue. Every stage of the Loop can spin its own brand-new ideas, new stories ideas, new settings, new characters to interact with. It is exciting and wonderful. The fire continues onwards, growing with each new completed project. Our imaginations are virtually unlimited, I am constantly astounded by its depth and breadth. The Loop and the Interweave will go on forever, it is part of what makes us human. So long as there is a human race, there will always be dreams.

2 thoughts on “The Interweave: Passion

  1. I like this sentence, “so we craft, we practice, we learn and we make ourselves ready.” Something I have long thought about and am just now putting into practice. 😉

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