On Words

National Novel Writing Month is one month away! So let’s get primed for November and talk about one of my favorite topics; writing! Yes, my dream is not to simply own a small little blog and live a wonderful, simple life. I want to write, I want to have others read and enjoy the stories that I tell. I want to share stories that challenge,… →

The Interweave: Effort

We all know that one person. He’s almost finished writing that screenplay, ten years later. She’s got all those great ideas for a new business, until next week when a new one catches her eye. Our ideas are great, they can be downright amazing at times, but they won’t go anywhere unless the dreamer is willing to put in a bit of elbow grease. (That… →

The Creative Loop – An Overview

What are our dreams? Where do they come from? These are questions that most of us will ask at some point in our lives. Here at the DreamAnvil we believe that the answer is that our dreams are a continuous wheel. A circle of creativity that only ends when the dreamer stops dreaming. It is our logo, it is my own creative process and I… →


Ting. Ting. Ting. The rhythmic sound of the hammer hitting the disk of pure silver fills the surrounding air with sound. Ting. Ting. Ting. At first nothing seems to be taking place. Just the sharp sound of hard metal, ringing out into the air all around the man with the hammer. It is deafening. It is slow. It is monotonous. The heat of the afternoon… →

Venerable Artist

The Sistine Chapel is a favorite topic of mine. The ceiling is a masterwork of art, something that almost every person has at least a passing familiarity with and respect for. The ceiling of the Sistine Chapel is what most of us think of, but the walls of this ancient chapel are also covered in works from a myriad of Renaissance artists, each one a… →

Forged by Desire

I spend a great deal of time trying to encourage readers to get out there and chase their dreams. To get up off the couch and take action! This is because our dreams cannot come true unless we spend our days actually trying to accomplish them.

Level Up!

Let me tell you about the very first book I wrote. It was supposed to be an epic fantasy tale. It had all the right notes, star crossed lovers, tragic pasts, fantastic locales, epic magic battles and a world full of other stories to explore. It was to be the linchpin in a sprawling multi book series that would be the precursors to even more… →

The Creative Loop: Creation

At last the moment you have been waiting for! You have had your grand idea. You’ve thought about it, played with it, and developed a plan of attack. Now it’s time to drag your idea kicking and screaming into this reality. Make no mistake though, while you have been preparing for this as much as you can, this step is one of the most difficult.… →

More than a Hobby

When an archer spends all day at the range, they are building their skills. The same for an artist who paints and paints and paints, he is preparing his skill set. When it comes to your dreams, do you consider the skills you are building? Do think you are honing your abilities for the future? Or is what you do merely a hobby?