Christmas Secret

As the year picks up and we get pulled in a million different ways it can be easy to get overwhelmed. We have shopping to get done, parties to go to and plan, presents to wrap and places to be. Friends, family, co-workers all want a piece of your time, it can be hard to find the time for yourself. Yet I will always try… →

Finish Line

Last night wrapped up this years NaNoWriMo. The road to 50,000 words is often long and arduous. Sometimes unexpected things happen, sometimes unthinkable things happen. Regardless of whether you finished by hitting your goal or if you came up short know that you are all winners. You started something this week that many people only dream about. You began a journey that many are not… →

Down not Out

Tuesday night disaster struck. I was aiming to get ahead of my word target goal that day, so I was at the grindstone working away. I was wrapped up in my fuzzy blanket, I had my headphones on, I was in the groove. I passed my word count but still had more story to write. Then the screen futzed out, my music started skipping. Then… →

Floor It!

Week two brings with it the first realizations that what you are doing is hard. It also brings with it the realization that you can do this. There are moments when everything feels right and the words dump right out onto the page. Then there are days that you can hardly muster more than a few paragraphs. This is where the road starts to get… →

White Nothing

It sits before you, daring you to move forward. An endless expanse of white, an unknown and unexplored conduit for your imagination. The blank page is often one of the most intimidating things an artist can face. Nothingness. The void, waiting to be formed and shaped. An empty canvas waiting to carry your art to others. The intimidation of the blank page does not come… →


In five days, people just like you and me will crack open their laptops and binders and will begin writing their next novel. Yes, we have less than five days before NaNoWriMo officially kicks off! For some of you that date can’t come soon enough, others are pulling out your hair in despair. Regardless, it is never too late to start writing your next great novel.… →

Counting Down

The countdown has begun! Are you ready for action? Ready to make a commitment to finally writing that novel of yours? Are you ready to accomplish your dreams? November kicks off National Novel Writing Month and it is the perfect opportunity for new and old writers alike to stop thinking about their novels and put their ideas on paper. Some of you may be asking, “What is… →

Simply Words

When I think of achieving dreams I can’t help but think of achieving my own, becoming a world class archer… Wait. No that’s next year’s stuff. Writing! That’s what I do! The dreamer is always focused on their dreams and I am no different. Most of my knowledge about pursuing dreams comes from my experiences trying to write Fantasy and Science Fiction novels. I yearn… →

The Polish

You’ve done what you’ve set out to do! You’ve conquered your doubts and succeeded in dragging your dreams into reality. After all of the effort and work all you want to do is take a load off and congratulate yourself. Regardless of what you’ve created, be it a new kind of cake or a fantasy book, you deserve a break. Once that final step is… →

The Building

At last the moment you have been waiting for! You have had your grand idea. You’ve thought about it, played with it, and developed a plan of attack. Now it’s time to drag your idea kicking and screaming into this reality. This phase of the Creative Loop is where the rubber meets the road. All our hopes and desires come crashing into harsh reality right… →