What is a Dream

What is a dream? It is a question that many people have wondered over the years. Are they merely the things we see when we sleep? Are they the fanciful notions of a headstrong youth? Are they important or should we simply ignore them. I started the DreamAnvil because I believe that our dreams are real, and more importantly that they can be achieved. I believe they are more than we realize and worth all of the effort and toil that we put into them. This month we will attempt to look at what a dream is. Where do they come from? Why do we chase them? How can we achieve them?

I have never met a person without a dream. I believe that dreams are what make us unique in this world. A remnant of the divine left over from before the tree. Dreams inspire us, urging us to explore to discover and to learn. That yearning, that longing to fulfill the impossible dream have given us some of our greatest achievements. Our deams are foundational, fundamental aspects of who we are. Everyone has a dream. Some think dreams are only wistful thoughts; a bunch of “what ifs” and ”shoulda coulda’s.” Some have neglected their dreams while others have foisted their dreams onto others. There are many who have given up on their dreams, the pain of that first shattering to much to bear. Yet all of them still dream. I want to tell you all, from the guy with their head in the clouds to the woman with her eyes turned down, your dreams can come true.  

Our dreams are impossible,contradictory, things. At once both fragile and hard, difficult and sweet, valley’s and mountains. We must protect them. We must work hard to achieve them. We must walk in the darkness before we can run in the light. They are the basis of all things and yet ephemeral and intangible. This is part of the truth of dreams.

This month we will be looking at what it is that makes dreams special and why we should chase them. Dreams are not easy, they demand our all. We all will face failures and joys. There will be moments where we will want to stop and moments when the future seems just around the corner. This is what it means to be a dreamer. This is what it means to chase after our dreams. These dreams are not mere idle thoughts, nor neglected hobbies. No, our dreams are are born of our passions, forged by our desire, and tempered by our skill. They show us who we are, but only if we are willing to chase them.