This is it! The moment we’ve been waiting for! You’ve heard me mention NaNoWriMo every week now for the past month and it is finally here! What is this NaNoWriMo thing? I am glad you asked! November is National Novel Writing Month or NaNoWriMo for short. So guess what it’s about? Yep! Writing your next great novel! NaNoWriMo has a simple goal: write 50,000 words… →

The Creative Loop: Unfinished Journey

I sat down to talk to one of my coworkers on Tuesday to take a look at something he had made. He is taking classes on stone carving and was explaining what he had just finished in class. Through that initial class he produced a wonderful little statue that he is very proud of. Then he did something that made me smile. He said “Teller,… →

Ripping Out the Rot

The other day I was sitting on my couch while a pair of strangers cut into my kitchen floor. The good news is that they were supposed to be there. The wood near the fridge is rotten and dangerous, so it had to go. I don’t like having rotten floors; you never know when they are going to give out. So what do you do?… →

White Space

It sits there staring back at me. Blinking unceasingly, daring me to go forward. Below it sits nothing, a vast, white, emptiness in which anything can happen. The cursor on my screen plods forward. At first slowly, timid, afraid of the words coming after it. Soon it is blazing across the screen heedless of the trails it makes. Behind my cursor a story unfolds, in… →

Little Things

So it’s another Thursday, and I am rushed as usual. I’ve got a lot of plates spinning at work, there’s a business trip to plan for next week, I need to go shopping for food and clothes and I somehow need to find the time to write a post! For many people this may seem like a lot, others will laugh and wish they had… →

Stretched Horizons

Our dreams provide a lot of services to the dreamer. They give us hope. They can give us purpose. They can give us a community. Our dreams can also challenge us in ways we never expected or even considered. Our dreams have the wonderful ability to stretch out our horizons and skill sets in a way few things can.