Write Everywhere

This is the second week! Maybe you’ve gotten ahead of the word count goal, that’s great! Maybe you have not! That’s perfectly fine! Do something with me. Stop writing. Stop thinking about the word count. Breathe in deep. Hold it. Hold it. Breathe out. Relax the face and the shoulders. Take another deep breath. Let’s be honest, life is very hostile to novel writing. Maybe… →

Off to the Races

The word of the day is GO! Today kicks off our first full day of NaNoWriMo! One month, one goal of 50,000 words, all of us striving forward together. You can do this! First step: go to the website and put in your information and join your regional group! Why? Because motivation that’s why! No really, did you know that putting in your information like… →

You Can Do This

This will be the final post before we hit November and NaNoWriMo begins anew.  A calm before the storm. A deep meditative breath rolls through the WriMo community as we mentally prepare ourselves for the task at hand. Many of the friends I have been trying to encourage to participate seem to be on the fence this year, trying to decide if they should give it a go or… →


The countdown has begun! Are you ready for action? Ready to make a commitment to finally writing that novel of yours? Are you ready to finally make that story in your head a reality? November kicks off National Novel Writing Month and it is the perfect opportunity for new and old writers alike to stop thinking about their novels and put their ideas on paper. Some… →

Road to WriMo 2017: Plot

There has been a slight change in our programming schedule for the month. Have no fear, the Storytime post that was to be on October 5th has been delayed only for a short time and will now appear on November 3rd. Instead, to help prepare those of you who are about to embark on NaNoWriMo, I will be posting a series of blogs I have… →

Road to WriMo 2017: Character

There has been a slight change in our programming schedule for the month. Have no fear, the Storytime post that was to be on October 5th has been delayed only for a short time and will now appear on November 3rd. Instead, to help prepare those of you who are about to embark on NaNoWriMo, I will be posting a series of blogs I have… →

Road to WriMo 2017: Setting

There has been a slight change in our programming schedule for the month. Have no fear, the Storytime post that was to be on October 5th has been delayed only for a short time and will now appear on November 3rd. Instead, to help prepare those of you who are about to embark on NaNoWriMo, I will be posting a series of blogs I have… →

Road to WriMo 2017: The Enchantment of Words

There has been a slight change in our programming schedule for the month. Have no fear, the Storytime post that was to be today has been delayed only for a short time and will appear on November 3rd. Instead, to help prepare those of you who are about to embark on NaNoWriMo, I will be posting a series of blogs I have previously published about… →

Finish Line

Last night wrapped up this years NaNoWriMo. The road to 50,000 words is often long and arduous. Sometimes unexpected things happen, sometimes unthinkable things happen. Regardless of whether you finished by hitting your goal or if you came up short know that you are all winners. You started something this week that many people only dream about. You began a journey that many are not… →

Down not Out

Tuesday night disaster struck. I was aiming to get ahead of my word target goal that day, so I was at the grindstone working away. I was wrapped up in my fuzzy blanket, I had my headphones on, I was in the groove. I passed my word count but still had more story to write. Then the screen futzed out, my music started skipping. Then… →