One More Day

Why did you get up this morning? Was it because of your alarm clock? Your dog needed to go on a walk? Maybe it was for a paycheck, or perhaps it was because you were expected to be somewhere at a certain time? Why is it that we rarely wake up to face our day with our dreams in our pocket and an eye on… →

Don’t Give Up!

I got back from my run drenched. It was raining out and the chill soaked through to my bones. I quickly jumped into a warm shower and then curled up on the couch with a hot cup of tea afterwards. The next day I stepped onto the scale expecting to see an improvement. What I found instead was only disappointment. I had gained weight! Immediately… →

Prepared to Fail

With all of our goals there is one thing that is constant no matter what. Whether you are aiming to climb a mountain, run a 5K or write a book, at some point along the journey you will fail. This is not just a pessimistic statement, it is a fact. You will not be able to get out and train when there is nothing but… →

Own It!

So you have a dream, you have it defined, you have it planned out you are ready to take this thing on! It is common that many people will start to do research on how to achieve their goals. Go to any bookstore and you will find a large section of self-help books. The internet is even worse. Everyone it seems knows how to achieve… →


This is it! The moment we’ve been waiting for! You’ve heard me mention NaNoWriMo every week now for the past month and it is finally here! What is this NaNoWriMo thing? I am glad you asked! November is National Novel Writing Month or NaNoWriMo for short. So guess what it’s about? Yep! Writing your next great novel! NaNoWriMo has a simple goal: write 50,000 words… →

The Creative Loop: Unfinished Journey

I sat down to talk to one of my coworkers on Tuesday to take a look at something he had made. He is taking classes on stone carving and was explaining what he had just finished in class. Through that initial class he produced a wonderful little statue that he is very proud of. Then he did something that made me smile. He said “Teller,… →

Take Care

The city doesn’t sleep. In just keeps going and going. Always active with the movement of planes, cars, trains and people shuffling back and forth. The city is what many consider the ultimate symbol of humanities control over nature. A never sleeping, giant hive of activity, designed to fulfill our every need. With so much going on, the hustle and bustle of city life can… →

Little Things

So it’s another Thursday, and I am rushed as usual. I’ve got a lot of plates spinning at work, there’s a business trip to plan for next week, I need to go shopping for food and clothes and I somehow need to find the time to write a post! For many people this may seem like a lot, others will laugh and wish they had… →

No Finish Line

I had a conversation with one of my long time friends the other day, catching up on whats new, how the kids were and all the normal small talk. Then our conversation shifted, my friend is beginning to see a new path for his life. A new direction he is compelled to explore. It was cool because I got to hear how his new dream… →

American Dreams

What is it you want to do? It is a simple question, one we have all been asked since we were little children. Since grade school we have had to write essays about what we wanted to with our lives. Yet when I ask adults this question I am often met with befuddlement. What do you want to do with the life you have?