Never Alone

So far it might seem as if achieving our dreams is a lonely, singular task. The dreamer puts in long hours, lots of hard work and effort. They spend years perfecting their craft. They feed off of their life experiences and inspirations and have focused on achieving their dream. The dreamer shoulders the burden of achieving their dreams, but that doesn’t mean they have to travel that road alone.

It is easy to believe that we are alone as we endeavor to bring our dreams to fruition. We focus so much attention and effort on the dream that sometimes it is all we can see. This could not be further from the truth. We should surround ourselves with friends and mentors and rivals as much as we can. Without them our work would inevitably turn to drudgery. Lets take a look at why.

Everyday thousands of other people just like you wake up and desire to achieve the same dream you do. I found this out during my first year doing NaNoWriMo; there are millions of people out there striving to write their first book. When I mention that we should have rivals I don’t mean the kind that drives your insane with anger or jealousy. I am talking about those you can be in friendly competition with. Nothing (except being madly in love) will spur you to work harder and fast than a rival who is racing ahead on their own book. Together you can encourage and challenge one another to reach heights you ever imagined.

Mentors are people you rely on for their vast knowledge or experience because they have achieved their own dreams. They encourage and push you much in the same way that your rival does. Mentors provide guidance and encouragement that is authentic because they have walked the same roads you are walking right now. They can offer advice and expertise for things specific to your dream. You can achieve your dreams without a mentor, but it will be harder. A locked door can be broken down, the lock can be picked; but isn’t it easier just to ask the person inside to open up?

Our friends, where would we be without them? They are sources of encouragement, hope, and inspiration. They are a bastion of light in the darkness. They are a level head when we rush head first down the mountain. They keep us balanced, they keep us humble and they want us to achieve our dreams. When I am with my friends I feel like I can achieve anything. I constantly bounce story ideas off of them. They have read early drafts of my books. They offer their honest and brutal criticism but also tell me how great a particular scene or character worked. Without their love and encouragement this website would not exist and I would be wasting my days playing video games.

The dreamer must bring their dream into this world; no one is going to do it for them. That doesn’t mean you are alone. That doesn’t mean you need to be isolated. The dreamer is never alone.