Go and Wonder

Our dreams are amazing. Think about it. Every day someone is achieving something amazing. Our dreams are big, big things, ideas that can change lives. They are full of wonder and posses a beauty as unique as the dreamers that came up with them. They are waiting for us to discover their true potential. Dreams are something inspiring.

We are all human. Sometimes we come home and we are tired. Sometimes we get depressed. Sometimes we hit a dry spot of creativity. Lots of things can sap the desire right out of our dreams. It is not a matter if but when. As we go along trying to create just a little bit everyday, sometimes we need a little bit of extra help.

If we want to achieve our dreams it is important that we get inspired. We were all inspired at one time, it is what created the first spark that ignited out dreams. But a fire without fuel will quickly grow cold. It is important that we figure out what it is that turns our gears and then go out and pursue them. What inspires you? Where can you get it? I can tell you from my experience, you will not find it locked in your studio, workshop or room. You have to go out and  find it.

It’s a well known fact that the majority of my inspiration comes from music. My five star songs on iTunes are not great songs, they are songs that either I have written stories with or songs that produce images for me to use. So  Oto No Naru Hou E (by Goose House) will get a four stars, where as La Búsqueda de Ianna (by Epic Soul Factory) gets a solid five. Not because one is better than the other but because one inspires me to write, the other is just really cute and catchy.  But it’s not just the music that inspires me, when I write I have my headphones on and my window shades open, mostly so i can look outside and let my mind wander. My inspiration and thus the stories I write, are pulled from everything I’ve lived and experienced. The places I’ve been, the sights I have seen, the food I’ve eaten and most especially the people I’ve met. As I sit there staring off into that great big sky the music in my ears stirs all of those past experiences inside me and out pops a story, sometimes even a good one.

We live in an amazing world. Look around you. In spite of what the news will tell you there is a lot of good out there. Our world is a big, big place. It is full of wonder, it is full of beauty and it is waiting for you to discover it. Don’t be afraid to go into that world and experience it for yourself. Touch it, taste it, see it with your own eyes. Smell the sea breeze, dance with the fireflies on a summer night, sing, laugh, cry and eat. Our dreams are fueled by our experiences, both good and bad. The wider our net, the more open our minds, the more varied our dreams can become. The next time you hit a creative rut or when you are between projects don’t forget, there is an amazing place waiting for you, just on the other side of the door. Go out there and wonder.